Thursday, 19 June 2014

From reading this story that caught my eye recently I was unsure who to agree with.
I agree that parents need to take an active role within their children's education as they go through school, this will allow children to gain help from parents.
But I also know how hard it can be for parents to sit down in the evening and go through homework with their children, as they may be in work until 5pm. Then they have to get their children from an after school club and then get them home. Once home they have to cook dinner, eat it, bath the children and it could be around 8pm before they have a bath. And then before bed they have to sit down and do homework. You can't classed these parents as bad parents because they aren't. We all know the pressure of keeping a job and also paying bills, providing food for the family and everything else. We can't assume that parents who may not have time every night to do homework are bad parents.
As a university student once I am qualified to teach I wouldn't as a teacher want to make any assumptions about the parents. Children need to take responsibility themselves to remember that they have homework and need doing it.
So instead of going straight to the TV or an electronic device they can go home and begin on their homework whilist tea is cooking.
Then after tea ask for their parents to check it then it allows the parents to see what the child knows and help them further on areas they get stuck on. 
In regards to reading to their children every night yes this should happen although the parents want to hear the child read, so they can see how their language development is coming along. There is a simple solution have them read to you before bed.
These "Issues" that some may class as "bad parenting" aren't and are very easy to solve as you can see from my post.

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