Friday, 8 August 2014

Should unqualified Teachers be in our schools?

Should we have individuals to be in our schools, teaching children in they are not qualified?

I am at university currently and I want to teach but I don't agree with those we can be employed by a free school and can teach.
I am a long with a lot of other students who want to teach working as hard as we can to get our degree to become teachers.

Yes I do agree some people who show a lot of passion in their subject would make good teachers, but am I wrong to think that they should have some form of qualification?

I don't think so, I want my own free school eventually but I want to gain enough experience so if I have parents, carers or even other teachers question me I will have the knowledge and experience to answer them.

We need our children to have a decent education and I know from what I am learning that I can take what they give me in lectures and on my work placement, and be able to put it into practice once I am qualified.

Let me put it into this perspective would you want someone who isn't a qualified doctor to perform surgery on you?

I know I wouldn't.

The quality of our education needs to continue and that begins with qualified teachers and a better curriculum.

Nicky Morgan The New Education Secretary Of State


Now that Gove is no longer the Education of State anymore I decided to see who the new Education Secretary of State, and her views.

I have had my views on Gove and what he wanted but now I have someone new to grill.

Morgan debated in the issue of the student fees in this country as a university student I was not happy that I would have to be in £9,000 a year in debt, it made me feel that soon only the rich will be able to go to university. And students like me who just want to go to university to have a career may suffer. Yes it means until I start to earn £21,000 I will be paying back my debts but still being in so much debt is not what I wanted.

" Morgan agreed costs could be daunting but said student numbers were unsustainable, it was fair to ask people to invest in their own education and people should ask more questions about how courses would improve prospects. Hopkins accepted that the Government had tried to find fair options but said students were taking on "excessive debts" which they would still be paying off when their own children went to university, they had no guarantee of a better job and those from poor homes would either have to choose an affordable university or not attend. In response, Morgan said university wasn't a rite of passage, there were other ways of continuing education and she herself had taken eight years to pay her debts. She would advise the Government on the debate."

She may of taken eight years to pay her debt off but at the end of my degree I will be £27,000 in debt from my tuition and it is going to take me a lot longer than eight years to pay off this debt.

And Morgan sometimes university is the only option we have to become what we want to be.
I want to teach and in order for me to do that without being criticised about me doing my job, I have to go to University.

I think I will be reading news stories about this New Education Secretary of State very closely and reporting on them.